Happy Birthday 2 US!!!!
Let me reflect back on the year at EMN....
(IAN)"How big do you want your tattoo???"
(CUSTOMER)"Not too big , not too small."
(IAN) "Roughly how big?"
(CUSTOMER) " Can can la. "
(IAN) ???
*Sean sits on the computer chair...
*CRACK!!! * THUD!!!
*Sean sits on the floor with a broken computer chair...
(IAN)"So you want it to be in colour or what?"
(CUSTOMER)"Black and white"
*Sean's Bike Fetish
Early 2008-HONDA CB 400
Mid 2008-HONDA CBR 600
Late 2008-KAWASAKI Z1000
(and we thought Sean was the thrifty one)
*customer walks in...
(CUSTOMER) " how much ah?"
(IAN) " What???"
(CUSTOMER) " Tattoo how much?"
(IAN) " What you want to get done"
(IAN) "I KNOW! What design?"
(CUSTOMER) "Dunno lei... What nice?"
*why do we even bother...
*Tattoo pain or not?
Ans: some say not painful,some say a little painful, some say quite painful, some say very painful.Hope that answers your question.NEXT
*If don't want already can remove or not?
Ans: Yes i heard skin grafting and amputation is on discount at SGH or maybe you can buy a replacemant at the Body Shop at junction8. If all else fails , you could try laser treatments.
*Real one ah?
Ans: No No. My Mother ate too many colour pencils as a kid.
*I want a nice tattoo.
Ans: OK. Thanks. Finally!! Because the whole week people came in asking for bad tattoos.
See you all saturday-OUT
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