Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happy Birthday 2 US!!!!

EMN tattoos is turning one end september and we're holding a party this coming saturday 27th september and all you guys are invited. Past , present and future clients come on down for a chicken rice buffet and FREE BOOZE!!!(what better reason do you need right?) 2pm onwards. Call me or MJ to inform us if you coming.

Let me reflect back on the year at EMN....

(IAN)"How big do you want your tattoo???"
(CUSTOMER)"Not too big , not too small."
(IAN) "Roughly how big?"
(CUSTOMER) " Can can la. "
(IAN) ???

*Sean sits on the computer chair...
*CRACK!!! * THUD!!!
*Sean sits on the floor with a broken computer chair...

(IAN)"So you want it to be in colour or what?"
(CUSTOMER)"Black and white"

*Sean's Bike Fetish
Early 2008-HONDA CB 400
Mid 2008-HONDA CBR 600
Late 2008-KAWASAKI Z1000
(and we thought Sean was the thrifty one)

*customer walks in...
(CUSTOMER) " how much ah?"
(IAN) " What???"
(CUSTOMER) " Tattoo how much?"
(IAN) " What you want to get done"
(IAN) "I KNOW! What design?"
(CUSTOMER) "Dunno lei... What nice?"
*why do we even bother...

*Tattoo pain or not?
Ans: some say not painful,some say a little painful, some say quite painful, some say very painful.Hope that answers your question.NEXT

*If don't want already can remove or not?
Ans: Yes i heard skin grafting and amputation is on discount at SGH or maybe you can buy a replacemant at the Body Shop at junction8. If all else fails , you could try laser treatments.

*Real one ah?
Ans: No No. My Mother ate too many colour pencils as a kid.

*I want a nice tattoo.
Ans: OK. Thanks. Finally!! Because the whole week people came in asking for bad tattoos.

See you all saturday-OUT

Darkside on MJ-by Ian

Graveyard Background-By Ian


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