Monday, July 27, 2009

Magic on the Magician

I'm back from a self-given week off from the shop. Had to take a tiny hiatus from the hectic life i lead. Anyway, what better way to start work at the shop by creating some magic on a real magician . A friend i haven't seen in ages , dropped by with intention to get a tattoo but with no design in mind. So after some brain-storming then TA-DA . . . we came up with a magic theme for his tattoo. I tried to squeeze as much ideas into one tattoo. The poker chips,the dove,the fire,roses,the lock and chain,the royal flush cos he's a avid poker player and of course the magician. Took 5 gruelling hours but was well worth it and as i always say , had a blast doing it. Enjoy your tattoo dude , take good care of it and good luck on your poker game . And here too are some recent awesome tattoos done by Master Sean Chua. Peace !

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Screw me now! phillips head please...thanks

Very very tired...but off to work now.nothing to say. bye!

Monday, July 06, 2009

Add rice also 50cents

It was old wise Master Sean Chua who once said , " Chap Chye Peng add rice also must pay 50 cents." This was after we had a few difficult customers that wanted to add some extensions to their tattoos AFTER negotiating the price. Same thing happened to me today. I think i gave the guy a pretty good deal since i got to do some custom work on him but the constant request to add a little colour here and add a little more fire there just really got on my nerves. But i kept my head in check and finished the piece for the sole reason of taking a photo of it. So people, i know it might not seem like much work for you tattoo artist to add a little extensions to your tattoo while tattooing you but here's a thought, try working long hours and having someone break you concentration by trying to stretch the cost of the tattoo. it's fucking irritating. And i guess everyone knows better than to irritate the person tattooing him or her right? So just to be clear. Any request PRIOR the process is fine, actually welcomed. peace peeps.

Saturday, July 04, 2009


Crazy crazy two weeks . So fucking busy but i'm not complaining when i keep getting really cool pieces to tattoo. I would love to say more now but i'm already late for work. So i really goota run. Shout out to Terrence ! sorry i couldn't make it for your son's birthday. really wanted to go but couldn't find anyone to cover me. Happy birthday Bosco! peace . out!

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Fucked up organizing. Poor planning.

Ha ha . Here in the shop we're really hardworking but not really tidy. just check out our drawing table. ok! maybe it was just me causing the mess but my excuse is that i was too busy . Due to my poor time management , i clashed appointments and ended up having to dish out 4 tattoos in one day. now thanks to myself, my hands are aching and my back's really sore. but hell least the tattoos we're fun to do. Every one has been telling me to get a PDA but don't think i can manage even more technology. My new handphone is enough. anyway thanks to all you guys for the endless support , wish there was two of me sometimes or like 36 hours in a day . sheesh. Luckily i'm off from the pub today but could really used a cold beer now. Really really exhausted. out!